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Shaunna Muenchrath

Placeholder image for Shaunna Muenchrath

Secretary - Head Secretary

Grew Up: I moved to Fox Creek, AB when I was 1 and lived there until grade 4. In grade 4, my family moved to Standard, AB where I lived until college. When I got married in 1990, I moved to Rockyford, AB and lived there until last summer. My husband and I now call Strathmore home.

Role at Brentwood: I started as a part-time secretary and a part-time educational assistant. Since 2004, I have been the full-time secretary.

Years at Brentwood: I first worked at Brentwood from 1993-1995, until I had my son. I returned for a year after he was born. After raising two children, I was recycled back to Brentwood in 2004 and have been here ever since!

Hobbies: Reading, golfing, curling, camping, working out and walking with Mrs. Hatton for hours on end

Favorite Author/Book: Sue Grafton Alphabet Series and the Janet Evanovich Plum Series

What Makes Me Smile/Laugh: Babies laughing

What I Am Absolutely Determined to Do: Be more patient

What I Wish I Knew More About: How to become a millionaire

Claim to Fame: Curled against Shannon Kleibrink and won

I Bet You Never Knew: I always have a book on the go....I read every single day and if you asked my family, they would say I read every single minute of every day!